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Death:Rebirth - A Sunday Fire

Jess Franz

Updated: Jun 10, 2022

“Our God is dead, he's laid to rest in the bed he made”. If you have ever battled with religion in any capacity this lyric among the others from A Sunday Fire will make you go damn and will make you want to listen to what they have to say. Founded by Joey Smith and Sam Ferrouilliat, A Sunday Fire began as a metal band. Since releasing albums and adding more members the band went pop punk. They are quoted as saying “We want to be a haven for people who have nowhere to go and no one to talk to. We want everyone to feel welcome here with us.” They went on to say they are more of a community then a band. Their latest release is Death:Rebirth which came out in May of this year. The songs include Knivesbehindbacksforever. Ephemeral, The Crowned Owl, Rebirth and Strawberry Super Moon. Each song has the sultry vocals of Chris Ruiz who really gets his point across in a way that makes it sound almost idyllic when in reality it seems most of the songs have a deeper meaning. Laying in on conservative Christians and the hypocrisy of organized religion. The song Rebirth takes a look at just that, according to their Facebook: “We wrote this song specifically about Christian conservatives and their oppressive views and laws that have held too many demographics back and there is a better world they what they are giving us.” Extremely powerful words especially for those who have been caught up in Christianity and have fallen from it. They keep their audience wanting more and not knowing what to expect next as each song and each LP seems to take a life of it's own. They are not afraid to experiment and try different riffs and vocal ranges which is what makes them the perfect punk/alt rock band. Their sound is ethereal and with Chris's vocals creates a chasm of sound that can take you anywhere. It seems they are forever growing, changing and shaping and the audience is here for it. There has been a deep progression in each LP and they are entering into new territory. Who can say no to a band that is ever evolving, moving and wanting to seek out different things to make you feel like you are a part of the experience? If you want to feel like you are entering the cosmos I would recommend them highly and give them the chance they deserve. Interested in hearing more from them as they grow and develop, but for now I will sit down and enjoy this trip to space.


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