Rock Dance Theatre announces “Back to BASSics” European tour dates & updates
14.08. Rebel Crush with Hateful Five, Potok Rock Club
CANCELLED 22-22.08 Annotopia + Cult of Chrome, Würzburg/DE
27-30.08 Statues en Marche Festival, Belgium
31.08. International Street Art Festival, Radom, PL
CANCELLED 10-12.09 Annotopia + Cult of Chrome, Rotenburg a.d. Fulda/DE
18-19.09 Autumn Warsaw Fantasy Fair, Poland
1-3.10. Annotopia + Cult of Chrome, Lüdinghausen/DE
31.10 Rebel Crush Halloween show, Breclau/PL
Tickets and information at all local venue websites.
More dates to be confirmed

Rock Dance Theatre - Anna Marika Achimowicz & Team
“Back to BASSics” Tour 2021 - rock hybrid of the XXIInd century