Colten's review of Set It Off's "Skeleton".
Decree of Lord Skinner:
I knew nothing of this group before this but I must say, I need to step out from my lair more often. Starting off, the music video! I absolutely loved the colors and the conehead lady reminded me of my youth and then just the overall vibe with the rabbit masks and other oddities made me think they were going for an Alice in Wonderland vibe?
The song itself? This is a vibe for some and bop for most and for weirdos like me? I cannot help but think is this some kind of lewd CPR sexual act. We have all heard that tik tok audio:
“I save dick by giving CPR.”
Well, this is basically the birthday party friendly version you can let your family listen to. Except it isn’t sexual and I am just some eccentric guy who thinks everything is alluding to sex. Beat, is perfect for what the illusion they are trying to weave and it is one of those songs you’ll never notice it ended before it faded away to your next jam. The so called ending verse just before the outro I think could be better placed but I can’t help but enjoy what they send.
Seriously, give this song a go. I bet it will be in one of your playlists and you will absolutely karaoke this with that one friend whose will to die is far stronger than anyone else’s will to live.
Lord Skinner
