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THE NOCTURNAL AFFAIR | Review of Music Video For New Single “Cross Me Out”

Sarah Lintakoon

By: Sarah Lintakoon

Fresh off their Fall 2024 tour with Fozzy, the band officially released their newest single, “Cross Me Out”, complete with a music video and all of the deliciously dark energy that one could want from a Halloween release.

The video wastes no time, revealing the band in their full headbanging glory set against a cavernous backdrop. One thing is immediately clear: they will be energetic, they will be loud, and you will be paying attention. I did exactly that as the instrumental stepped back for a moment to shine a spotlight on the brooding vocals of their singer. 

There was a lurking feeling to the song, like something was brewing under the surface that would eventually reveal itself, and it surely did. The chorus exploded with that same energy that initially reeled me in, complete with roaring flames, an action sequence, and the backing vocals howling out the song’s title.

Somehow, the band pushes it a step further. Their singer lets out menacing growls, their drummer mimics slashing his throat with a drumstick, and the action sequence ends with the walls crumbling down.The camera moves in quick flashes, as if propelled by the power of the singer’s voice. 

The scene melts away, revealing the band’s logo in bright, white neon. In pure action cinematic fashion, flashes of lightning and towering flames are unleashed. Each band member is given their moment in the spotlight, quite literally lit by the towering logo standing above them.

And just like that, four minutes went by in a flash. Still, only one thought occupied my mind: I need to hear that chorus again. So I hit replay, and the chorus still hit just as hard. With each and every listen, it still does. 

Watch the official music video:

The Nocturnal Affair tour dates:



Las Vegas dark rockers THE NOCTURNAL AFFAIR are the brainchild of singer/songwriter Brendan Shane. The band’s crushing and melancholic musical style is an ode to darker alternative music torchbearers like Type O Negative, HIM, David Bowie, Gary Numan, and Nine Inch Nails. They capture a uniquely haunting sound steeped in downtrodden melodies enveloped in the darkness.

The band released their debut single, “Down”, on Earache Records in November of 2021 from their first album, (META)MORPHOSIS, which was produced by Grammy-nominated Disturbed bassist, John Moyer.

They have since embarked on several full US tours with FOZZY and performed alongside a wide array of artists from heavy metal heavyweights like HELLYEAH, Asking Alexandria, and Pop Evil while also being accessible enough to share the stage with notable mainstream acts like 3 Doors Down and Black Stone.


Brendan Shane | Vocals/Keys

Michael James | Lead Guitar

Drü Dean | Rhythm Guitar

Kellen Kroll | Bass

Kyle Cunningham | Drums

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